



2024-07-18 23:37:46 来源:网络


求: 英语口语对话:打电话在酒店订餐并吃饭的对话练习。5个人的
接待员😢||🥎☁️: Good morning, madam. What can I do for you? 早上好.我能为你做点什么吗? 盖比⛸||🦤*: Yes, this is my first time to the city. The taxi driver picked me up and sent me to your hotel. 是的.这是我第一次到中国来.出租车司机带我到这里.把我送到你们酒店来. 接待员🐣🌱|🐵🐊: Welc等我继续说🦝——😏🦡。
餐厅会话1 A🥀🌘-😥:Excuse me. Can you suggest a good restaurant?请问😆_🪡,你能推荐一家好的餐厅吗?B*🤢|🎭:Yes. What kind of food would you like to eat?好的🐬🦙_🤫👽,你想吃什么样的东西?A🌾🎾-🎍🥈:Are there any Chinese restaurants around here?这附近有没有中国餐厅?B🐳😣-_🌾:There's one across the street.对街有等会说🙊🦎--🥉😩。


酒店常用英语口语对话如下🕸_🐡*:1🦖-|🎱🐵、Welcome to Great Wall hotel!欢迎来到长城酒店🍁🐺————🦖!2🐁🥏_-🙉、Call for service at any time.有事随时叫我🐈-🥈🙄。3🐝——_🐰、Thank you for waiting.谢谢您的等待🥍-_🐞。4😮——_🥀、How do you like our hotel?您对我们酒店的印象如何?5🥉🎄|🕸、Is this your first time to visit QHD?这是您第一次来吗?6好了吧🎋——🌙🐅!
-"Rooms for 5, please."-"What do you mean you don't have, is this some kind of joke?"-"What are you talking about? We're not gay?"-"No是什么🐐🌝-_🐵。it's not a f@#king question. what's the matter with you lady?"-"We're not living together. Hey, be careful what you'是什么🐏——|*。
您已经在广州xx 酒店办理了担保预订🌎——-*,从4 月16 日到20 日🙁🐹_|🍄,预住5天😥😅-_🐋😢。您若不能如其到达🐝——🐇🐗,请务必在16 日下午6 点前通知我们🥇🦕——_*🐂。感谢您的电话🕊-🎃,我们期待能为您服务😫_🪴🦙。常用句型百宝箱 1. 预订基本应对 1) Do you have one single room for two nights? 我想预订两个晚上的单人房一间🥈_🌨🐗,行吗? 2)还有呢?
R☘️_🦒:A double room for two nights at 800RMB per/night, the meals that you had at the hotel are 250RMB…Here is your bill please check it.一间双人房住两晚🐁|——😟🎍,每晚房费是800元*😨——_🦍🐘,您在酒店餐厅的消费是250元⛸🌟_🐜。🎃😱_——🎀🤒。🪡🥉|_🐍😼。这是您的账单请您核对一下🤥😄-🧿。G😆-_🦒:Sorry, l am not clear about 有帮助请点赞🎉🦠|_🐰。
A:Welcome to our hotel.欢迎光临🦃|🐞🌿。A:So you have got altogether four pieces of baggage?您一共带了4件行李🌎🐹__😉🌿,是不是?B:Let me have a check again.让我再看一下🕷__🦦😽。A:The Reception Desk is straight ahead.接待处就在前面🎳🪀|🌷🦐。A:After you, please.你先请🌘🦐-|🥈🌱。B:Excuse me😝*|——🐁,where can I 是什么🎃🤠-🐙💐。
【酒店英语口语情景对话】R:Good afternoon,Sir and Madam.May I help you?下午好🙊🦁|——🦂,先生夫人😄——🐼😬,需要我帮忙吗?G:Good afternoon,I'm Jack Wilson.My wife and I have just arrived.We'd like to have a room at your hotel for tonight.下午好♦🐭——-⚾,我是杰克威尔逊.我和我的妻子刚刚抵达我们需要今晚在还有呢?
酒店英语口语 情景对话.越详细越好.最好是客房和客人之间的对话.
Hotel Accommodation A:Good afternoon.Welcome to the Peace Hotel.May I help you,sir?B:Yes,I’d like to check in,please.A:Certainly,sir.My I have your name,please?Do you have a reservation with us,sir?B:Yes,it’s Robert King.I suppose somebody made the reservation for me等我继续说🦥|_🐸👹。.
酒店前厅服务英语口语情景对话如下⚾🧸-🪲🥋:R: Good morning,madam, how may I help you?G: Hi, I booked a room under the name of Lily Bass, can you please check me in?R: Sure, please hold on for a second.I am sorry, madam, there is no Lily Bass. Do you have our hotel's 等我继续说🌵💐_🥇🐖。